Welcome to the Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies has a rich history at Rutgers University. Inaugurated as a department in 2001, Women's & Gender Studies has grown from offering a few courses at the University in 1973 to becoming one of the strongest interdisciplinary graduate and undergraduate programs in the United States.
At the Undergraduate level, we offer a Major (Women’s and Gender Studies) and Four Minors (Women’s and Gender Studies, Critical Sexualities, Social Justice, and Gender and Media). We have developed each of these minors to introduce path-breaking research that address concerns of particular interdisciplinary constituencies. Reflecting the fundamental commitments of feminist pedagogy, our major and minors provide students with critical tools to engage the challenges of contemporary life and to work toward social transformation and social justice. Annually we teach approximately 4,000 undergraduate students and over 200 graduate students enrolled in courses offered by the Department.
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News & Announcements
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- Remembering Ruth Mandel, A Profound Loss
- Remembering Cheryl Wall 1948-2024
- Are you interested in Social Justice, Activism, and Human Rights?
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